Atos International Helpdesk Contact Numbers
(Phone numbers are subject to change)
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Country |
Contact Numbers |
Argentina |
34917939984 |
Australia |
1800318217 |
Austria |
0800909414 |
Belgium |
080080236 |
Brazil |
08000474721 |
Brunei |
+60383153676 |
Bulgaria |
8002100474 |
Canada |
8055370263 |
Chile |
15137013072 |
China |
4006500378 |
Croatia |
800787059 |
Czech Republic |
800050720 |
Denmark |
80810385 |
Finland |
0800302591 |
France |
0805543090 |
Germany |
08007240408 |
Greece |
+495251832199 |
Hong Kong |
85230114873 |
Hungary |
+495251832095 |
India |
0008000504252 |
Ireland |
1800946225 |
Italy |
800529349 |
Japan |
0120426557 |
Korea |
800018777 |
Kuwait |
+495251832199 |
Luxembourg |
+33170839404 |
Macao |
+864006500378 |
Malaysia |
1800886972 |
Mexico |
Netherlands |
+08000201078 |
New Zealand |
Norway |
80031434 |
Poland |
800080593 |
Portugal |
800210203 |
Qatar |
+60383153676 |
Romania |
800400584 |
Saudi Arabia |
8008446459 or 8008500782
Serbia |
0800301173 |
Singapore |
18004075650 |
Slovakia |
0800152960 |
Slovenia |
080083005 |
South Africa |
0800660364 |
Spain |
900031010 |
Sri Lanka |
+60383153676 |
Sweden |
0201604334 |
Switzerland |
+0800005551 |
Taiwan |
0800668096 |
Thailand |
1800-019-057 |
United Arab Emirates |
80004440046 |
United Kingdom |
448000113913 |
18055370263 |
Vietnam |
+60383153676 |